Eco Friendly Chemical Free

Fresh water pool system

copper swimming pools genesis expanseHave you ever imagined exactly what it would feel like to swim in a chemical free pool? Does a pool that's chlorine-free sound too-good to be real? Could you ever imagine not spending all of that cash on chlorine, algaecides, shock, and cyanuric acid stabilizer chemicals?

An ionized pool is just one of the biggest pleasures could encounter. As soon as you understand the beauty of swimming in an ionized pool, you will simply swim in a chemically-treated share again to know how dreadful chlorine is and how fortunate you will be having an ionized pool.

Chlorine no-cost swimming pools / chemical free pools do indeed exist and also have existed consistently. Intec had been 1st company to commercialize copper ionization for usage on swimming pools over 30 years ago. Copper ionization became very popular as a result of issues of chlorine becoming absorbed though the skin and having direct backlinks to cancer tumors. Now, more than ever, a chlorine no-cost share is a highly coveted house technology.

Without sanitation, after that algae, viruses, fungi, along with other micro-organisms can originate, develop, multiply, and infest the average share within just one hour. Conditions too many to say impacting the ears, eyes, nostrils, throat, epidermis, and organs are often spread in one person to another.

Ionization was developed by NASA and is the most affordable of disinfecting techniques. Ionization can also be in order to that creates healthy pool water. Ionization may be the simplest of disinfecting solutions to preserve and monitor. The complete system is sold with water physician electronic unit, copper electrode, and necessary test kits.

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Fresh Water Lifeforms: "Spring Comes to a Pond" 1952 12min
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